Climate Change in Michigan: Where do we go from here?

  • 12 Sep 2012
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)
  • Van Buren Conference Center, 490 S. Paw Paw St., Lawrence, MI

Please join the Michigan State University Extension, the Southwest Michigan Planning Commision, Freshwater Future and the Two Rivers Coalition for an educational workshop on climate change at the Van Buren Conference Center in Lawrence, Michigan.

Climate change is making it harder to achieve management and planning objectives as it changes the playing field and adds hurdles. Peter Sinclair, a renowned writer and researcher from Midland, Michigan, will facilitate this workshop featuring a general overview of global climate change, including greenhouse effect, observed and predicted consequences of climate change, climate feedback loops and amplifiers, an update on current conditions, and the prospect of climate "tipping points". There will also be an exciting and exhilarating review of current and developing alternative strategies for new energy production and re-visioning the electrical grid.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information contact Dave Foerster at 269-655-9100.

Click here to download the event flyer.

This workshop will qualify for two (2) continuing education credits for the MSU Extension Master Citizen Planner Course.

Friends of the St. Joe River Association, Inc.                                                                                                          
P.O. Box 1794
South Bend, Indiana 46634

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