Today marked the 5th quarterly meeting for the Wetland Partnership project. Click here for a summary of the meeting. Matt Meersman, FotSJR Board President and project lead, passed around a map of the watershed showing the progress that has been made in coding the wetland polygons. MDEQ should have all of the polygons coded by the next quarterly meeting in February.
The fourth quarterly report was sent at the end of September, but no financial report requesting reimbursement was submitted. The next report is due the end of December and an invoice from MDEQ should be included.The next steps will be to get contracts in place between FotSJR and the partners who will be receiving grant funds through the project.
In terms of Parcel Data Coverage, for most of the watershed it has been easier to acqiire this data then at first suspected.
Marcy Colclough, Senior Planner with the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission and project lead, passed out what she has started working on relative the Wetland Partnership project Outreach Strategy. It was suggested that perhaps to brochures on wetland restoration should be created for Indiana and Michigan due to varying wetland laws and regulations between the two states.
Next steps include completeing wetland functional data, prioritization and developing contracts with partner organizations.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 23 at 10:15 a.m. in the Three Rivers Public Library.